My name is David Lefèvre…
In 2012, I launched my online affiliate business. And I quickly realised that I needed a lot of different skills. Some I wanted to learn in depth to get good at and do these tasks myself. And other skills that I just wanted to understand so that I could delegate them as well as possible.
Right from the start of my business, I surrounded myself with several freelancers, at the time on the 5euros.com platform (which later became ComeUp). I would never have been able to grow my business the way I have without the skills of freelancers.
And I wouldn’t have been able to recruit these people on a salaried basis, because I only needed their talents for a few hours a week.
That’s the power of freelancing. And that’s why more and more companies are using freelance digital workers rather than signing permanent contracts.
The creation of the BeFreelancr platform
In 2020, with my partner Léa, we launched the freelance platform BeFreelancr.com. Because there weren’t really any platforms aimed at VSEs and SMEs.
On the one hand, there were the micro-job platforms like Fiverr and ComeUp. Where you could find freelancers for €5, often beginners or from developing countries. That was enough for many assignments. But you needed top quality.
And on the other hand, there were platforms for big companies, like Malt.fr for example, with quality freelancers, but too expensive for most companies.
We wanted to create a site where talented freelancers could make a decent living from their work. And for their services to be in line with the needs of VSEs and SMEs. That’s what BeFreelancr is all about.
Creation of the Projet Digital blog
Creating a platform for VSEs and SMEs is one thing. But I also wanted to popularise online tools. Why use them, how to do it, mistakes to avoid or, on the contrary, good practices. Because today’s businesses need these tools, but many are missing out because they don’t see how they can be used.
This blog is designed to give you a better understanding of these web tools. So that you can use them yourself or delegate these tasks to freelancers, with a better understanding of their purpose.
I’ve seen too many companies pay fortunes for websites or Google Ads campaigns to unscrupulous agencies.
Our aim with BeFreelancr is to select quality freelancers and agencies. Our aim with this blog is to be as educational as possible.